Aaron Ontoyin Yin

Electrical & Electronics Eng. Student | AI Engineer/Researcher

Electrical & Electronics Eng. Student
AI Engineer/Researcher

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About Me

Heya! I'm an undergrad in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, but that's not all I do. I'm also an ALX certified Software Engineer. You can sometimes find me at Aaenics, teaching the next generation about Electronics, Robotics, and IoT. It's a pretty cool gig. But wait, there's more! I'm also into AI and Data Science. And I love them, especially Deep Learning. Infact, that's what I do most. Quantum Computing is what I think is the next revolution and so, I get my hands dirty with it. It's like regular computing, but on steroids. A Pythonista, I would gladly say I am. But at the end of the day, it's not just about the tech. It's about the people I meet and the friends I make along the way. Nice to meet you!

Aaron Ontoyin Yin


  • Deep Learning
  • Data Science
  • Large Language Models
  • Software Engineering
  • Robotics
  • Electronincs & IoT
  • Quantum Computing
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Some Projects
GPTree Invension

GPTree, our patented AI algorithm, outperforms randomness by ~10x and experts by ~3x. It's explainable, fosters human-machine collaboration, and excels in decision-making tasks. Fine-tuned for identifying outlier startups, it achieves an 18% success rate, potentially transforming early-stage investment with 10x+ fund returns.

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Data Transmission in Networks

Using streamlit, I wrote a software that helps in the analysis and visualization of a Phd research on efficient data transmission in Networks. This work involved how data is transmitted from one Node to the other and the factors that affect the process in a network.

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Drillbotics Research Competition

Drillbotics is an intensive research Competition organized by SPE, DSATS for universities across the globe. I was a key member of the UMaT team (only team from Africa), for the 2023 competition. With my team, I led the development of a python package for simulating directional drilling. We also built an interface for monitoring the processes involved.

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Customer Churn Prediction

Using predictive modeling, I developed a customer churn prediction system using machine learning models on IBM's telco customer churn data. The models used were logistic regression, random forest, SVM, KNN, naive bayes, and XGBoost. I deployed the best 3 models using Streamlit. Users could choose to prioritize recall, precision, or balance in the Streamlit app.

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Advanced ML Pipeline for Network Intrusion Detection

Developed a machine learning pipeline for network intrusion detection. Used Random Forest for feature extraction and PCA for dimensionality reduction. Implemented an SVM classifier with optimized kernel functions and hyperparameters. Integrated the pipeline using scikit-learn’s Pipeline object for efficient and consistent data transformation. Evaluated pipeline performance using accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, ROC curve, and AUC-ROC. Enabled probability estimation in SVM and analyzed the impact of varying decision thresholds on performance.

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OSAD API (Object, Speech and Audio Detection)

Built a test-driven, packed, and robust API that provides endpoints for converting speech to text and vice versa and object detection within images. The API securely manages user authentication with session tokens and password resets through email. Used Flask for the API development, Torch Vision's fasterrcnn_resnet50_fpn_V2 model for object detection, SpeechRecognition for speech-to-text and pyttsx

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Uni Hostels App

I develped a web app for easy management and finding of hostels in Universities. This was full scale but just for fun.

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I developed a console based cpp + python program for efficient and easy management of academic records at the university level.

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Together with other students, we built an app that extracts the timetable for any class from a general timetable that is always released by our university.

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For electronics, I've built countless projects including Fingerprint + keycard attendance system, automous vehicles, different types of smart entropy minimizers, etc.

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See my CV for more!
I liked most
  • Deep Learning
  • Data Science
  • Space Exploration
  • Quantum Computing
My Hobbies
  • Watching Sci-fi Movies/Series
  • Listening to music
  • Playing games (VR mostly)
See me on LinkedIn for more!

You can tell a person is eager to be a better version of themselves when they are just ready to learn new skills you introduce them to. I have a trained many people in the Aaenics Community and Aaron is such a person who just needed an initial push. I am amazed at how far he has gone in tech and robotics, especially with Machine learning, and can only imagine where he will be in the next couple of years.

Kwaku Effa Adu-Ampomah
Electrical and Electronics Engineer
Founder, Aaenics Engineering LTD
Kwaku Effah

Aaron Ontoyin is a disciplined, organised and an analytical student. He is also a hard working and highly motivated individual. He has a pleasant personality, a team player and a result-oriented person.

Mensah Sitti
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
George Grant University of Mines and Technology
Mensah Sitti

I highly recommend Aaron Ontoyin. I had the pleasure of working with him on two significant projects: the drilling simulator automatic software for SPE and an opportunistic routing network project. Aaron's exceptional willingness to learn, adapt, and think critically in conjunction with programming played a pivotal role in the success of both endeavors. His dedication, problem-solving skills, and collaborative spirit make him an invaluable asset to any team. Aaron's commitment to excellence is truly commendable, and I have no doubt he will continue to excel in his future endeavors.

Eyram Dela kuwornu
Computer Scientist and Engineer, Trestle Group
Dela Eyram

I have known Aaron Ontoyin Yin for some time now. His exceptional skills and talent in programming have made him stand tall among his colleagues. He is very dedicated to his work. His love for computer programming has made me admire him very much. He is very knowledgeable about the Python programming language. Aaron is one of a kind. Contact Aaron for 100% work done.

Iven Aabaah
Lecturer, Department of Information Systems and Technology
C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences
Iven Aabaah
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